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Achei um livro( I found a book)

Achei um livro( I found a book)

What is the movement Achei um Livro (I found a book)?

The moviment Achei um Livro (I found a book) has the intention of encourage reading through stimulating people to share books that have been read, and that can be left somewhere for someone else to find and make the reading. That should do the same at the end of reading. Thus the book is no longer private and passes to be a public domain.

Do you know that book you read and liked or may not have pleased so much?
How about giving this book to someone else can enjoy this reading?
It's simple, register your book in Achei um Livro (I found a book) generate the code and place in the book, now it's just leave it in a public place with the code and the instructions generated on the site.
Have you considered the joy of someone to say Achei um Livro (I found a book)?
In addition to provide this reading opportunity for someone, you can still see everywhere where the book is going. The idea of Achei um Livro (I found a book) is the person finds the book, register at the site the place where it was, and after the reading, the place where it was gone to other people to read

Achei um Livro (I found a book) antecipates that some people maybe won't participate and possibly they can go away with the book. Unfortunately the Achei um Livro (I found a book) has no way to prevent such an attitude, but the number of people who will join the movement and contribute to the ascent of reading and story sharing will be high.

So, come and join the movement Achei um Livro (I found a book)

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Achei um Livro
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